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for English Users/Dessert

Cheese #2. Ricotta & Fromage Blanc

by healthy food advisor 2023. 4. 22.


1. Ricotta

The country of origin is Italy, and it is made from milk, sheep milk, water buffalo milk, or goat milk.

Ricotta means re-cooked. When you make cheese and heat the remaining whey, the whey protein separates, and it is ricotta that filters it out. If you add a little bit of vinegar or lemon juice, the whey protein coagulates once more, completing the ricotta. It is good to use in salads or desserts because of its soft texture. The soft sweetness and melting texture are art, and the calories and fat content are low, so you can eat healthier.

Ricotta di mucca: It’s a ricotta made of milk. This cheese is mild and is often used to make pasta, ravioli,cake, etc.

Ricotta di percora, Ricotta Romana: These are made of sheep’s milk. Ricotta is said to be best made from sheep’s milk.


<How to cut>

Since there is no shape, scoop it with a spoon and put it in a bowl.


<Recommended wine & pairing>

White Wine: Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grizzio, Riesling. Rose wine is also recommended by the experts.

Tomato, eggplant, spinach, basil, paprika, pumpkin, olive, grape, blueberry, strawberry, fig.
You can add a little jam or honey, or you can put it in espresso or hot chocolate as a substitute for milk.


2. fromage blanc

It means white cheese, and it's made only with milk. It's cheese that can be substituted for ricotta. It has less fat than cream cheese, so it is good for children's snacks, and it is a cheese that can create various flavors by mixing honey, nuts, and dried fruits. It has a lot of moisture, so eat it quickly after opening it.


<How to cut >

Sppon into small bowl like ricotta.



Wite Wine: Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio

Wheat Beer: Weihenstephaner

Mango, blueberry, strawberry, photo, honey, pecan, pasta chio, walnut dried plums, dried cranberries, baguette, ciabatta

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