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for English Users/Dessert

Cheese #1. Brie & Camembert

by healthy food advisor 2023. 4. 21.

1. brie

One promaze described brie cheese as an autumn-flavored adult. Bree looks similar to Camembert, but classifies

it as a punch-based cheese with a mild-based cheese ripened. White mold cheese from the Ilde France area.


It's further subdivided into three categories: Brie de Meaux, Brid Melun, and Coulommiers. Originally, it is made from

non-sterile milk, but imported brie is commercialized and made into sterilized milk. It has a soft texture and is a flat

circle with a diameter of about 36-37cm.


<How to cut>

It's soft and moisturizing, so it's easy to stick to the knife when cutting.

So I recommend using a cheese knife with holes or a wire knife.

We usually cut it into wedges (v-shape) and eat it.


<Recommended Wine and Pairing>

1) Fresh and fruity red wine: Sanjio Beze, Pinot Noir, etc

2) White wine: Riesling, Vionier, etc

3) Beer: Fruit-flavored wheat beer, Pilsner

4) Recommended fruit or jam with acidity, such as cherries, blueberries, apricots, figs and apples.


2. Camembert

Camembert is classified as a mild cheese. This cheese is famous for being born in the late 18th century when a woman named Marie Arrell, a farmer in Camembert, Normandy, hid a monk who defected during the French Revolution. Camembert tastes different depending on the producer, especially Camembert cheese produced in the country is mild and flavorful. It goes well with the scent of cinnamon and goes well with grilled pork.


<How to cut>

Cut into wedges (v-shaped) like a brie. Rather than cutting it into small pieces,

it is recommend cutting the whole bris into 3-4 pieces and eating them separately.


<Recommended Wine and Pairing>

White Wine: Normandy Sidr, Calvados Schnenblanc, Alsas, Muscade, etc
Nuts, figs, apples, grapes, dried fruits, mushrooms, roasted garlic, grilled pork, etc

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